07 January 2021 by House Writer

Our top 5 guide to the best self-help books

The “best” self-help book is subjective, as every individual has different wants and needs. Some people might need help with their career, others may seek guidance in relationships, for others it may be motivation.

Whatever “need” you seek help with you can bet there’s a self-help book about it.

The difference between a quick Google search to fix your problem and delving into a full-length book is that the issue you wish to solve, or idea you want to learn more about is described in much finer detail.

However, people often find the thought of non-fiction works to be overwhelming and are put off, that’s why we’ve put together this short guide, recommended by our JudgeService colleagues,  to ease you into the world of self-help books.

Why not get your new year off to a productive start with some personal development and learn something new?

Who moved my cheese? – Spencer Johnson M.D

“Who moved my cheese?” is a story about 4 characters who live in a maze and look for cheese to nourish them and make them happy. The story represents how people can become too comfortable in their lives and then don’t deal well with change.

The book is aimed to help people break away from the status quo of their day-to-day lives and accept that change can be positive.

“Who moved my cheese?” is a particularly poignant story right now as many business owners have had to/are having to adapt to unforeseen changed due to the pandemic. For many, accepting the idea that “the faster you let go of old cheese the quicker you can enjoy new cheese” is hard, but this book explains exactly why it is so important.

The 5am Club – Robin Sharma

A self-development book in the form of a novel, this book highlights the life-changing effects of waking up early and making the most out of every day.

Do the dark and cold mornings of midwinter make it almost painful to get out of bed at a decent hour? Are you wasting half of your day and rarely see the letters AM printed next to your clock? Then The 5am Club might be exactly the read you need.

Business titans and successful entrepreneurs have used this book to help them to wake up feeling inspired and productive every day. The key to an early morning routine and personal growth is what people have been buying Robin Sharma’s novel for since 2018, with over 15 million copies sold worldwide.

Happiness by Design – Paul Dolan PhD

Deciding, designing, and doing are Dolan’s three basic steps to overcoming a miserable environment and stepping towards a fulfilled and enjoyable life. This happiness guide teaches the reader the importance of balancing pleasure and purpose.

Sometimes when things don’t reach our expectations, we can get disappointed. This self-development book helps us to not let expectations cloud reality. Our happiness should not be influenced by our expectations.

If you’re interested in finding out how the “Chimp Paradox” can help change your life for the better, definitely give this one a read.

Create Magic – Jason Vale

Although the title of this book suggests some sort of fantasy fiction story, Vale explores the idea of creating magic in everyday life.

This short but thought-provoking read encourage people to do good deeds in order to help others and help yourself. An act of kindness isn’t selfless because you feel good from doing it. When “creating magic” for others, you then receive “magic” yourself.

Stories of how others have taken this approach in life create an uplifting and inspiring read.

How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

This pick is potentially for people who have already dipped their toes into the world of self-help books, like ones we have recommended previously, and are now looking for something a bit meatier to sink their teeth into.

How to Win Friends and Influence People explains in simple terms the easiest ways to interact with others and improve new and existing relationships. The contents of this book range from "how to handle people better" to "making your home life happier".

With over 30 million copies sold worldwide, the original version has been updated/adapted to suit the needs of a 21st-century audience with “How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age”, which may be more relevant to life in lockdown during a global pandemic.


Interested in self-development and thought-provoking reads? Look out for an exclusive series by Neil Addley coming to the JudgeService blog this January!


Neil Addley, Founder and Managing

Director of JudgeService Research

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House Writer

This blog was written by the house writer of JudgeService. Want to be a guest writer? Email us at support@judgeservice.com with your request!

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