The Power of Customer Satisfaction 2022

16 February 2022 by Neil Addley

Discover the link between customer satisfaction and the speed of stock turn plus so much more! Download the report for free now!

Driving Towards a Digital Future - Industry Report 2021

15 September 2021 by House Writer

The key take outs from our latest research includes the continued growth of the online market, where the long-term trends suggest that although the automotive industry was steadily moving towards digi...

State of the Nation - Industry Report - 2021

20 July 2021 by House Writer

JudgeService's latest industry report has revealed brand new statistics on the thoughts of car-buyers regarding all things automotive and the state of the nation due to the pandemic. Download for free...

Emerging from Lockdowns 2021 - What Happened and What Next?

16 April 2021 by Neil Addley

An interesting takeaway from the data we have collated is that since the pandemic people have been inclined to enquire about purchasing a car more locally than before. What we have seen is that peo...

The Power of Customer Satisfaction

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

Over the past seven years JudgeService has surveyed hundreds of thousands of car buyers and lost sales. In this ground-breaking research, our analysts have been able to establish the links between cus...

Business Reputation: Insights to How Reviews Convert

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

Business Reputation is built by either advocates or critics of a brand, product or service. How prospects hear about what fans or detractors say about companies is through word-of-mouth or a few simpl...

The General Data Protection Regulation

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) changes will come into effect on 25th May 2018. The new laws will make unprecedented changes to marketing consent. Although May 2018 may seem to be a g...

So, Why Didn't That Customer Buy?

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

It can be one of the most infuriating aspects of business – why a visitor to your site was not converted to a sale. Modern car buyers do so much of their research online that dealers are left with few...

How Dealers Can Improve Costs, Profits and Efficiencies Using Online Reviews

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

There are some purchases that don’t require much thought: ordinary, everyday things such as chocolate bars, magazines or shampoo. Most people simply pop them in a basket and pay for them, without pond...

Top 12 Tips For Best Practise Car Dealer Reviews

12 April 2021 by Neil Addley

As car shoppers do more online research and engage with other customers before making a decision to head into a dealership, online reviews can be gold. With over 50% of all new and used car buyers cla...

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