03 September 2021 by House Writer

Interns at JudgeService

From left to right: Hannah, Dominic, James.

Last week our interns from York University finished their 12-week placement working with us at JudgeService HQ.

Not only do we hope that it was a valuable experience for our interns to learn new skills and experience life in the workplace, but it was also a chance for JudgeService to identify gaps in our knowledge and focus on how we can move forward into new markets.

James and Hannah worked with the JudgeService team and independently to research potential new markets for JudgeService to penetrate. Dominic worked with our finance team to develop a finance evaluation model to be able to predict which of these markets would be financially viable for the business.

In their final week they came together to present their findings to our leadership team at Rudding Park.

Their presentation allowed them the opportunity to explain and discuss how the finance evaluation model and their primary and secondary market research could help JudgeService in the future and the scope that these markets could offer to our company.

We asked all three of our interns to briefly summarise their experience at JudgeService and highlight what they found valuable from their time with us.


“JudgeService has been a great business to work for and learn from over the past 12 weeks, full of friendly and knowledgeable colleagues who have always been happy to help me with anything during my time here.

Through the bulk of the internship, I’ve learnt how best to find information about various markets but also how to understand and effectively analyse this information to help direct the business and its growth over the next few months and years.

The final presentation was also a great test of summary skills as I had to condense 10 weeks of work into just a few PowerPoint slides! Overall, being an intern at JudgeService has been a very valuable experience and I’m really thankful for the opportunity.”


“Working at JudgeService as a Market Analyst Intern has not only developed my communication and analytical skills but also my understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction.

The new markets project has allowed me to be part of an innovative and successful business which will help them to grow and develop into the future.

After this experience I will use this knowledge, advice, and insight from the supportive and encouraging environment, to advance further into the Marketing and Market Analyst career after university.”


“I have thoroughly enjoyed my 12-week internship at JudgeService. I spent the first 6-8 weeks of my time creating a financial model which would be used to evaluate products in new markets.

It consisted of two parts: a profitability table and a factor analysis table. The profitability table summed up a products upfront cost, running cost and revenue. This was used to grasp how long it would take to break even and the profit we would make after.

The idea of the factor analysis table was to take important factors such as competition, which are hard to quantify, and score them out of 5 using a series of sub-factors. A multitude of these factors were then summed to give a score out of 5. We then used these figures to compare markets and predict which would be the most successful.

Overall, it has been a fantastic experience working alongside the people at JudgeService who are always so nice, and I have looked forward to every working day here.”

The whole team at JudgeService thoroughly enjoyed getting to know Hannah, James and Dominic and their input over the summer will have a lasting effect on the business.

Finally, thank you to York University for providing us with such talented candidates and we wish all three students the best of the luck in the future!


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House Writer

This blog was written by the house writer of JudgeService. Want to be a guest writer? Email us at support@judgeservice.com with your request!

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