16 July 2024 by Neil Addley

NAP is short for the Name, Address, and Phone number of a business available online. You may think that it's straightforward and nothing much to explain, but this trinity can elevate your business to new heights, especially locally. Let's understand it in more depth.

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Why is NAP important?

Google uses NAP data to crawl, identify, and rank the business.

Google bots fetch the NAP data from Google My Business and compare it with other online sources about your business.

Therefore, it is crucial to maintain consistency of your NAP on the web.

What is NAP consistency?

NAP consistency means keeping the Name, Address and Phone number of your business correct and the same across all web pages, business listings, social media, blogs and online local directories.

When Google's crawler encounters uniform and accurate details about your business, it gains confidence in your online presence. This consistency helps Google accurately identify and categorise your business, increasing the likelihood of displaying your listing to the right audience in local search results.

By ensuring your NAP details are identical across all online platforms, you're essentially providing Google with a clear, cohesive picture of your business. This consistency builds trust with search engines, enhancing your credibility and improving your chances of appearing prominently in local search queries.

Remember, even minor discrepancies in your NAP information can lead search engines to treat your listings as separate entities, potentially diluting your online presence and local search rankings.

Example of NAP Consistency

Let's take an example to understand:

1) JudgeService Research Ltd, 11 Cardale Ct, Cardale Park, Harrogate HG3 1RY, 01423 225166

2) JudgeService Research Ltd, 11 Cardale, Cardale Park, Harrogate HG3 1RY, 01423 225166

3) JudgeService Research, 11 Cardale Ct, Cardale Park, Harrogate HG3 1RY, 01423 225166

Were you able to identify the differences in the NAP mentioned above in under one second? Probably not. However, Google's crawler would understand in a nanosecond and classify them as three different businesses. The key differences are:

In #2, "Ct" is missing from the address.

In #3, "Ltd" is missing from the company name.

This example effectively demonstrates how even minor inconsistencies in NAP information can lead search engines to treat listings as separate entities, potentially diluting the business online presence and local search rankings.

The impact of NAP on User Experience

NAP information has a significant impact on user experience for local businesses.

  • Ease of Finding and Contacting the Business

Consistent and accurate NAP information across all online platforms makes it easier for potential customers to find and contact a business. When users encounter conflicting information, it can lead to frustration and lost opportunities. For example, out of date phone numbers or incorrect addresses can lead to wasted time and frustration for potential customers.

  • Improved Local Search Visibility

Accurate NAP information improves a business's visibility in local search results, making it easier for users to discover relevant local businesses when searching online.

  • Seamless User Journey

The user experience begins when a potential customer first encounters a brand online, often through search results, maps, or directories. Consistent NAP information ensures a smooth transition from discovery to contact or visit.

How to improve NAP consistency

To improve NAP consistency you need to keep it the same across all the platforms where your business is mentioned.

But the challenge is there are far too many platforms to handle, and we can’t afford to have misinformation even on one of them.

Therefore, it would be wise to use a business listing management product for maintaining a consistent profile online across the web.

JudgeService’s Business Listing tools can solve this problem in a jiffy.

Here is what you get from JudgeService Business Listings tool:

  • Centralised Dashboard: A single interface to manage NAP profiles across all platforms, eliminating the need to log into multiple accounts.

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  • Multi-Location Support: Capability to manage NAP profiles for businesses with multiple locations from a single account.


  • Bulk Updates on Opening Hours: The ability to update NAP profiles across all connected platforms simultaneously, saving time and reducing errors. This includes special hours for Bank Holidays and events.


Bottom Line

Here's a smart tip: make a list of all the places your business is mentioned on the internet. This way, if anything changes - like your phone number or address - you can quickly update everything.

NAP might seem like just three letters, but it's actually a big deal for local search. It helps both customers and search engines find your business easily. So take your time to get it right. A little effort here can make a big difference in how easily customers can find you online.

Remember, consistent NAP information is like a clear signpost for your business in the digital world. It points customers and search engines in the right direction, helping your business stand out in local searches.


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photo of Neil Addley

Neil Addley

Hi, I’m Neil, the Managing Director and Founder of JudgeService. I have worked in the automotive industry for over 30 years. I have a passion for outstanding customer service and believe that reviews and insights can help businesses improve their customer’s experiences every time.

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